5"x7" Mounted Monochrome Prints
5x7in Monochrome digital prints. Mounted to fit an 8"x10" frame.
1) Potters Hands- Shot at Cardiff International Food Festival using Lumix G3K in 2017. Image features the hands of a potter teaching another how to thow a pot.
2) Rose- Shot on Ilford HP5 Plus using a Kiev-60 Medium format camera and its Vega-12b lens. The aperture on this particular lens was stuck at f2.8 and as a result produced some stunning images with an incredibly shallow depth of field.
3) Skull- While exploring the the woods and streams near Talgarth we found a pebble grave and the remains of what we could only assume was a pet dog that loved the nature that is now reclaiming it.
4) Ferris Wheel- Shot on a moody day in Cardiff bay with dramatic clouds rolling in. I've always loved the duality of the joy of carnivals and the imposing nature of the metal structures we make for them.